Monday, November 8, 2010

social awarness issues in my community

  • bullying
  • racism
  • disrespect
  • stabbings
  • gangs
  • violence
although there aren't many gangs in my neighborhood/ community, there are some and those some aren't really that bad but they still are there and they affect me daily. throughout most of 6th and 7th grade i was scared to walk up 4th st to get to my house so i walked up 3rd st and that worked out fine this year and the end of last year i started walking up 4th st. the other day me and a couple of friends were walking up 4th st and we saw these kids from John Jay high school came down the block and they were smoking pot. my friends and i had no idea what to do because a high person is a dangerous person. so we just started randomly talking about how in the world does a spider spin green silk. this worked and looking back on that experience it was really funny but trust me at the time we all, or at least i know i was flipping out inside. and an earlier experience i had gone through was when i was going to shule(shule is school in yiddish and it is basically hebrew school except you learn yiddish and more about culture.) when these highschool kids popped out from around the corner and started walking after me. the exact details aren't really clear to me but i do know that they tried to mug me, then they left, they came back and tried to mug me again. ever since then i honestly will not go up that street.

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